Easy as 1 2 3
Merrick Binch consistently out-perform our rivals in how many homes we sell. How do we do this?
The secret to selling your home successfully is to ensure that the following 3 areas are done correctly:
Choosing the correct asking price
Presenting your home in the best way possible
Advertising your home in the right places to as many potential buyers as possible
Choosing the correct asking price
We would all like the very best price for our home when selling. However, regardless of what we would like to achieve, the MARKET determines the true value of any property.
The market is governed by factors such as supply and demand which in turn is governed by factors such as interest rate levels and availability of mortgage finance.
Our role at Merrick Binch is to report what is EXACTLY happening in your market at the time of selling your home. We will also show you COMPARABLE evidence to determine what buyers are willing to pay for your type and style of property.
By looking at the comparable evidence we will work together to ensure your property goes on the market at the optimum value to attract interest from potential buyers.
Accurate pricing = Increased buyer activity = Faster sale and higher eventual sale price.
Over ambitious pricing = Too long on the market = Stale properties achieving a lower sale price.
Presenting your home in the best way possible
At Merrick Binch, we believe that the estate agent and the home seller should work TOGETHER to ensure the home is presented in the best way possible.
Free home staging advice
It is proven that homes that are clean, tidy, de-cluttered, and staged in the correct way achieve a much higher eventual sale price than homes that are not.
First impressions to potential buyers are vital, so the team at Merrick Binch will work closely with you to give advice on how to make your home sparkle. Check out the ‘Home Staging Advice’ section of our website for more information on this subject.
How Merrick Binch present your home
Once the home is looking its best, we will then focus on how to present it to potential buyers. This includes:
Professional wide angle lens photography of as many rooms as you wish
Detailed floorplans including room dimensions
Attention grabbing property descriptions
Stunning property brochures (Online and Offline)
Premium listing on the Rightmove property website
Accompanied viewings by your own property expert
Honest viewing feedback so we can be pro-active if anything needs changing about your home
Advertising your home in the right places to as many buyers as possible
Rightmove premium package
Over 97% of all potential buyers now start their property search online via the internet (and they all use the Rightmove website).
As a company we have invested heavily in the Rightmove premium package for all of our sellers. This allows us to offer our customers a higher level of exposure through the Rightmove website. This includes ‘FEATURED PROPERTIES’ and ‘PREMIUM LISTINGS’. These extra features attract on average an extra 40% more hits than standard properties on Rightmove- Getting higher demand and a higher eventual sale price.
For sale boards
From the colour, shape, and innovative design, the Merrick Binch For Sale board has been designed to stand out when potential buyers are driving around the city looking for suitable properties.
Window displays
Your property will be displayed in our prominent window display 24 hours a day.
Longer opening hours and Pro-active staff
We are open until 5.30pm on weekdays and until 3pm on Saturdays. This means that our dedicated sales team can contact potential buyers when they are more likely to be at home. We are also very pro-active when contacting buyers registered on our mailing lists about the new properties that have come to market.
Merrick Binch website
Your property will also be available to potential buyers through www.merrickbinch.co.uk
We have invested both time and money to ensure our website is at the top of the Google search engine when buyers are looking to find a local Coventry estate agent.